Young Oncologists' Forum

Inauguration of the “Young Oncologists' Forum”

The Sri Lanka College of Oncologists inaugurated the “Young Oncologists’ Forum” on the 26th of March 2021 at the Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo. This initiative was taken by the SLCO to provide opportunities to our young oncologists to strengthen their knowledge, skills and expertise and to provide them a platform for networking with other oncologists regionally and internationally.

The inauguration commenced with the National Anthem and lighting of traditional oil lamp. Following that Dr. A J Hilmi, the President of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists, delivered the welcome speech outlining about the need for the formation of the “Young Oncologists’ Forum” as part of the SLCO.

An eminent personality in the field of Clinical Oncology, Prof. Ananya Choudhury, Consultant Clinical Oncologist attached to the Christie Hospital, NHS Foundation, the UK, delivered a keynote speech on “Mentorship” and encouraged the young oncologists to unleash their potentials towards accomplishing their dreams and goals. Then Dr. Nuradh Joseph and Dr.Naduni Imbulgoda have briefed the future plans and activities of the newly formed “Young Oncologists’ Forum”.

Dr.Jayantha Balawardene, Senior Consultant Clinical Oncologist and other consultant oncologists have shared their valuable views in this event. Dr. Sachini Rasnayake, the secretary of the SLCO delivered the vote of thanks and this event ended successfully with fellowship and dinner.’